Good idea but...
Good start!
What is very good; compared to many other text to speech apps linguatec voices are very good i use mostly kate.
The option to see only text on a page being read is a very good feature!
What needs to improve;
From using apps such as webReader and seeing how it is possible to have text read immediatly as the browser presents a page i am somewhat dissapointed at the approach voiceReaderWeb has taken of first identifying a article then turning it into a audio file then having it read out-loud.... I am not sure this is more convenient than copy-paste a article in your own voice reader or ispeak etc... I was hoping for an app that is simpler to use and more capable, webReader, for example allows the tapping on a paragraph of a larger text and have it read out without waiting for the text to convert to a audio file first...from what i have seen of your voice reader web so far it is not possible to start reading from a particular line in a text,,,ALSO, it would be useful to have a way to highlight the current line of text being read.....
,that being said webreader is also not excellent yet their synthetic voice is not as good as yours.
I am not a programer but it would seem to me that you aproach of converting each web page individual files is flawed.
It should be more simple such as simply tapping anywhere in a text and have a very small menu pop up that offers the option read from here and that too without having to wait for conversion of the text.the idea i creating a browswer with text to speech is excellent! But as is this one needs a lot of re-considering and re-programing imho.i purchased this app on the strength of your voice reader which still has a few annoying bugs but is quite useful as is.
Best of luck and if you can make this app what it should be i will gladly give you 5stars and get all my friends to buy it.
Rays ipad about
Voice Reader Web